I see a lot of people in the gym who are interested in doing chin-ups and pull-ups but can’t do them. They tend to go straight to the bar and try to do it but to no avail. In the process, most of the times it leads to injury. They might injure their rotator cuff, brachialis, brachioradialis, forearms etc.

While doing chin ups, you are lifting your bodyweight and your muscles aren’t conditioned to lift that much weight!

Does a person new to the gym ever go to a squat rack, put a lot of weight on it and start squatting???

NO. Because he knows its too heavy for his unconditioned muscles to lift it. Then why make this same mistake by trying to do chin ups? Your muscles might not be conditioned to lift your whole body weight and you may injure yourself.

So, to learn how to do chin ups, you need to understand that which muscles work during the movement. The main muscle involved is your Latissmus Dorsi. Along with it, several other smaller muscles are invloved too, which are, Biceps brachii, posterior deltoid, rotator cuff, brachioradialis, brachialis, forearm flexors and extensors etc.

Now, if you want to start doing chin ups, you need to train all these muscles and make them stronger.

Below are 2 simple ways of doing Chin ups:

First of all, start with Lat Pulldowns, which will help build your Latissimus Dorsi. This is the main muscle that needs to built to eventually do pull ups. These muscles are built by doing pull downs, so you can eventually use the same muscles to do pull ups and chin ups.

It is also important to do a few exercises for your biceps, posterior deltoid and forearms.

Follow this plan for a few weeks once of twice a week.

Another good way to start doing chinups is that you start with an assisted chin up machine. This machine helps to add weight which will help you to pull your body up easily. Gradually, start to reduce the weight until you reach till no weight. Once the muscles have been adequately strengthened, you can start doing chin ups without the machine. If you still find it hard to do them, then ask someone to spot you and help you reach to the top. Then try to come down slowly without any help.

I can bet that if you follow this plan for a few months, you can easily start doing chinups.

One last thing, which is also very important, if you aren’t conditioned, chinups or pullups aren’t a warmup exercise! You might injure yourself!

For any questions or queries, feel free to contact me at info@fitnessevolution.in