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Introduction to Fitness

  • What is fitness?
  • Components of fitness
  • Importance of fitness in daily life
  • Importance of exercise


Basic Anatomy

  • Fundamental Movements (From Anatomical Position)
  • Anatomical, Directional & Regional Terms
  • Muscles and their Functions
  • Muscular System
  • Muscular Nervous System
  • Muscle Types
  • Push & Pull Muscles


Body Types

  • Ectomorphs – Definition and Characteristics
  • Mesomorphs – Definition and Characteristics
  • Endomorphs – Definition and Characteristics
  • How to change Body Types?


Resistance Training

  • What is Resistance Training?
  • Benefits of Resistance Training
  • What is Hypertrophy & Atrophy?
  • Types of Resistance Exercises
  • Training Variables
  • What is Progressive Overload?
  • Variables that can be adjusted to increase the difficulty
  • What is Overtraining and its causes
  • How to avoid Overtraining
  • Types of Grips
  • Types of Movements
  • Advanced Techniques


Cardiovascular Training

  • What is Cardiovascular Training?
  • Benefits of Cardiovascular Training
  • Cardio Timing
  • Cardiovascular Energy Expenditure Variables
  • Heart Rate
  • Maximum Heart Rate
  • Heart Rate and Health
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Levels of Intensity
  • Pyramid of Intensity
  • Climate and Performance
  • Walking – Technique, what to wear and exercise sessions
  • Running – Muscles used in running, Technique, Importance of stride, Uphill and downhill running, Breathing and exercise sessions
  • Treadmill versus Outdoors, what to wear
  • Cycling – Technique, Exercise Bike versus Outdoors, exercise sessions
  • Cross-trainer – Technique, Exercise sessions
  • Rowing – Technique, Common faults, Exercise sessions



  • What is flexibility?
  • Importance of Flexibilty
  • Flexibilty Tests
  • When to stretch?
  • When not to stretch?
  • Types of Flexibility
  • Stretching before working out a specific muscle group
  • Warm-up Exercises
  • Post workout Stretching
  • How to avoid Injury
  • Types of Flexibility
  • Stretching before working out a specific muscle group
  • Warm-up Exercises


Common Gym Injuries

  • Lower Back Injury
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Patella tendinitis
  • liotibial syndrome
  • Shin pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Hernia
  • Acute muscle tears
  • Chronic muscle tears
  • Cramps



  • Carbohydrates – Types and Functions of carbohydrates
  • Protein – Essential and Non- essential amino acids, Complete and Incomplete proteins and Functions of Proteins
  • Fats – Types and Functions of fats
  • Cholesterol – Definition, functions of cholesterol, transport of cholesterol
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Fluid Intake – Exercise & Hydration, Over-hydration, caffeine & alcohol
  • Important steps to loose weight
  • Important rules regarding diet
  • Eating to gain muscle
  • Food supplements
  • Eating for Endurance
  • Healthy eating for Vegetarians


Basic fitness formulas & Body Composition

  • Body measurements – Measuring Tape, Photographs and mirrors, Clothes that fit and Measuring Body Fat
  • Body Mass Index and Health Measurements
  • Waist-to-hip ratio
  • Cardiovascular Fitness Tests – VO2 max test, The Cooper 12 –minutes run test, The Harvard step test
  • Strength Test – One Repetition Maximum test
  • Strength Endurance Test – Push Ups Fitness tests, Push Ups Fitness tests, Curl-Up Test


Exercise Data Base

  • Chest Exercises
  • Back Exercises
  • Shoulder Exercises
  • Arms Exercises
  • Legs Exercises
  • Abs Exercises


Advanced Anatomy

  • Skeletal System
  • Major muscles that work at the Shoulder Girdle
  • Major muscles that work at the Shoulder Joint
  • Major muscles that work at the Elbow and Forearm
  • Major muscles that work at the Wrist
  • Major muscles that work at the Trunk
  • Major muscles that work at the Hip Joint
  • Major muscles that work at the Knee Joint
  • Major muscles that work at the Ankle and Foot


Core Stability

  • What is Core Stability?
  • Major muscles in the trunk that provide good Core Stability
  • How to measure Core Stability?
  • Basic Core Exercises
  • Intermediate Core Exercises
  • Advanced Core Exercises
  • Swiss Ball Core Exercises
  • Medicine Ball Core Exercises
  • Plyometrics Core Training
  • Combining Core and Resistance Exercises



  • What is a sports supplement?
  • Protein Supplements
  • Carbohydrate Supplements
  • Benefits, Dosage and side effects of Creatine, BCAA, Arginine, CLA etc.
  • Rules for Effective Shopping


Advanced Diet

  • Essential Fats
  • The “Magical” Omega -3
  • Sources of EPA and/or DHA
  • Protein requirement based on physical activity level
  • Energy Balance and weight control
  • Total Daily Energy Expenditure
  • Methods to calculate BMR
  • Diet for losing fat
  • Diet for muscle gain
  • Protein Bio availability
  • Glycemic Index
  • Different diets in the market and their pros & cons
  • How to understand Nutritional facts label
  • Top rated supplements for increase in muscle size and strength
  • Top rated supplements for Sports Performance (Energy, Power, Anaerobic Endurance)
  • Top rated supplements for Sports Performance (Aerobic Endurance)
  • Sample Supplement Programs



  • How to make a workout schedule
  • Sample workout plans